2022 Special Town Meeting


Sample Ballot - 2022 Special Town Meeting

Voting (Second Session): October 18, 2022 – New Town Hall (4 Signature Drive) – 8:00am – 7:00pm

2022 Special Town Meeting Warrant

2022 Special Town Meeting Petition

(Click above link to view petition and signatures)

Certified by the Supervisors of the Checklist on July 7, 2022

At the June 13, 2022 meeting, the Select Board was presented with a petition to call a Special Town Meeting.  RSA 39:3 contemplates the procedure to petition a Special Town Meeting.  On June 14, 2022 the petition was turned over to the Supervisors of the Checklist for certification.  The Supervisors separately verified 141 signatures where the names and addresses of the signers match the information on each resident’s voter registration.  There were 37 signatures which were not verified because the signer was not a registered voter, or the information provided was illegible.  On July 7, 2022 the Supervisors returned a certified copy of the Special Town Meeting petition to the Select Board Chair.

On July 7, 2022 the Select Board Chair met with the Town’s attorney and relevant staff to prepare a scheduling recommendation for the Select Board. At the July 11, 2022 meeting, the Select Board approved the recommendations. The dates for the first and second session are as follows:

First Session: August 20, 2022 – Barrington Middle School (51 Haley Drive) Cafetorium – 9:00am

Deliberative Session Rules of Order

Video of Deliberative Session

Second Session: October 18, 2022 – New Town Hall (4 Signature Drive) – 8:00am – 7:00pm

Warrant Article #1: Special Town Meeting Regarding Two Town Employees

To see if the Town will vote to encourage the Select Board to continue the employment of Conner MacIver and Peter Royce in their current positions with the Town of Barrington, and to recognize the many contributions the two have made to the Town throughout their tenures.

This article was recommended by the Select Board by a vote of 5-0.

Explanation: This article was amended from the original petitioned article at the Deliberative Session on August 20, 2022. 


Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Special Town Meeting and how is one called?

A Special Town Meeting is any meeting other than the regular Town Meeting.  Otherwise, a regular Town Meeting and Special Town Meeting are the same: it is an opportunity for a municipality’s legislative body (voters) to make decisions.  Barrington has adopted RSA 40:13 which splits the meeting into a first (deliberative) and second (ballot) session (more details below). 

The Select Board can call a Special Town Meeting pursuant to RSA 39:1.  Residents can petition a Special Town Meeting pursuant to RSA 39:3; any 50 voters can submit a petition and cause the Select Board to arrange a Special Town Meeting.  The 2022 Special Town Meeting was called by petition.

What is a Deliberative Session/Why are there two sessions?

At Town Meeting in 1997 Barrington voters adopted RSA 40:13 (also known as SB-2) by a vote of 495 to 292 (Page 13 of the 1997 Town Report).  Adopting RSA 40:13 splits Town Meetings in Barrington into two sessions.  A first or ‘deliberative’ session and a second or ‘ballot’ session.  RSA 39:3, which contemplates petitioning a special meeting, still requires the Town to follow the same protocol whether it is a regular or special meeting. 

As indicated in RSA 39:3 the Select Board is responsible for scheduling a special meeting if petitioned.  This means deciding dates for the first and second sessions based upon the required notice periods and activities of the Supervisors of the Checklist.  At the July 11, 2022 meeting, the Select Board approved the recommendations as presented.  

Can a warrant article be amended at Deliberative Session?

Yes.  Voters at Deliberative Session can change a warrant article’s language and intent, but must maintain the subject matter.  RSA 40:13, IV reads (in part) “The first session of the meeting, governed by the provisions of RSA 40:4, 40:4-a, 40:4-b, 40:4-f, and 40:6-40:10, shall consist of explanation, discussion, and debate of each warrant article…  Warrant articles may be amended at the first session, subject to the following limitations:

  1. Warrant articles whose wording is prescribed by law shall not be amended.
  2. Warrant articles that are amended shall be placed on the official ballot for a final vote on the main motion, as amended.
  3. No warrant article shall be amended to eliminate the subject matter of the article. An amendment that changes the dollar amount of an appropriation in a warrant article shall not be deemed to violate this subparagraph.”

In Cady v. Town of Deerfield, 169 N.H. 575, 579 (2017), the Supreme Court clarified that RSA 40:13, IV(c) “only prohibits amendments that eliminate a warrant article’s textual subject matter, not amendments that may change the intent or purpose sought to be achieved by the article’s drafters.”

*Did you know that RSA 40:13, IV(c) was added by the Legislature in 2011 in response to a Supreme Court ruling from Barrington?  Grant v. Barrington, 156 N.H. 807 (2008) upheld a decision by voters at Deliberative Session to change a warrant article to simply read “to see”.  Since 2011, warrant articles can be amended but must maintain the same subject matter as the original article.

How much will the Special Town Meeting cost?

Regarding anticipated costs of a special meeting, the best information to anticipate the cost would be the 2021 election budget.  In 2021, there was only one election: the Town’s annual meeting.  As discussed above, a special meeting follows the same structure of a regular meeting.  The 2021 Election budget was $17,600.  This budget does not include audio/visual ($1,850 in 2022), legal ($885 in 2021), advertising/notices ($500 in 2022), staff time (other than election staff), and school costs.  The school does not bill the Town for the use of the facilities or custodial setup/breakdown/cleanup costs.  The total cost of the special meeting can be estimated at $20,000.

What is the background of the Town and 2A Tactical?

The Select Board prepared the following file summary regarding the Town’s dealings with 2A Tactical through April of 2022.

2A Tactical Select Board File Summary 20220428

What is the legality of the petitioned warrant article?  What if the petitioned warrant article passes?

The Town's Attorney prepared the following memo regarding the petitioned Special Town Meeting warrant article.

Petitioned Article Advisory - Legal Memo 20220725

I am away on 8/20 or 10/18, can I still participate?

  • First Session (Deliberative Session): Currently the State has not authorized any method to confirm those participating virtually are registered voters in Barrington, so participation is limited to in-person only. Additionally, there is no approved method to conduct secret ballot voting with virtual participation if necessary.
  • Second Session (Voting Session): You may vote by absentee ballot by contacting the Town Clerk's Office (more information).  

Has the County Attorney and/or Attorney General reviewed the complaints?

At the request of the primary petitioner, the Attorney General and the County Attorney have reviewed the complaints cited in the original petition.  The Town was provided courtesy copies of their responses: