Public Safety Building Renovation/Expansion

October 24, 2022 Select Board Meeting

Public Safety Building Renovation/Expansion (Video: 12 min.)

  1. At the October 17, 2022 meeting the Police and Fire Chiefs presented the results from a feasibility study for a proposed renovation/addition to the Public Safety Building.  The Select Board requested more time and information before making a determination on the project for the 2023 warrant. 
  2. At their October 18, 2022 meeting, the Advisory Budget Committee reviewed proposal and made the following recommendation.  The group feels the project shouldn’t be rushed and presented over time to the public.  The group feels they should put $150,000 in a warrant article in 2023 for design and the bond in 2024. 
  3. The Select Board is asked to consider how to proceed with the project proposal. 

Ocotber 17, 2022 Select Board Meeting

Public Safety Building Renovation/Expansion (Video: 36 min.)

Final Report - Feasibility Study Amended -JWB Oct. 2022 (Doc.: 17 pgs.)

Presented by Police Chief George Joy and Fire Chief Rick Walker, the chiefs gave a brief history of the Public Safety Building as well as an overview of the proposed renovation, why it is necessary, and how it will be accomplished.

During the renovation, for approximately five months, Public Safety vehicles will be stored at the highway garage and a temporary building will need to be used for staff. The roof will be lifted to create an additional floor, and a sallyport will be built on the Police Department side to ensure the security of any evidence vehicles, as well as a secure space for transport. The roof will also be re-shingled during the process.

Steve Saunders, Advisory Budget Committee (ABC) Chair, shared his appreciation for the level of detail and fiscal responsibility shown by the Police Department. There were no items the ABC felt should be challenged in the budget. He did request additional information regarding the renovation and requested information regarding impact on tax rates if the project were bonded.

Vice-Chair Bailey shared his support of the renovation project as well as for additional public safety officers.

In response to a question from Selectperson Cappiello regarding an additional .5 FTE, Chief Joy explained what he is looking for in a part-time officer and used the recently hired officer as an example. Further, he explained he has some funds due to the deployment of Officer Surawski but is not currently looking for an additional full-time officer. Following Officer Surawski’s return, Chief Joy will review staffing levels and plan the future accordingly.

TA MacIver encouraged the Select Board to decide as soon as possible regarding the renovation. Selectperson Cappiello asked if the repayment cost could be explained further. TA MacIver committed to obtaining projections for the July 2022 bond sale. Additionally, he shared how bonds work, repayment, and the interest rate and tax rate impact. Additional information will be compiled for next Monday’s Select Board meeting.