What is Pay-As-You-Throw (PAYT)? (1/16/2024)

The Transfer Station and Recycling Center is a pay-as-you-throw (PAYT) facility.  More than 70% of the funding for the facility comes from user fees.  For municipal solid waste or MSW (household trash), the Town collects user fees through bag sales.  Charges for the disposal of other items is based on the Transfer Station User Fees.  See also, the Transfer Station and Recycling Center Rules and Regulations.   Barrington voters initiated PAYT in 1993.  Fun fact: prior to 2023, trash bag prices had not increased since 1993!

PAYT is discussed in greater detail in the following article from the NH Municipal Association: https://www.nhmunicipal.org/town-city-article/cutting-trash-half-how-new-hampshire-towns-and-cities-can-secure-their-financial.