When will Mallego Road from Stone Farm Road to Route 125 be paved? (11/18/2022)

The current plan is to finish paving Mallego Road in the next few years. The Town stopped recent paving at Stone Farm Road due to the drainage issues on the 125 side of Mallego Road. That is a flat section of road with insufficient ditch lines. As a result water settles under the road and after a few freeze/thaw cycles potholes are created and worsened. Without solving the drainage issues, paving would be a waste of money. 

The Town’s plan to fix the drainage is well underway. The Town's engineer is finalizing a drainage plan and the Town is hopeful to be able to discharge the water on the property of the old gravel pit. Once finalized, the drainage work will be performed first (ditches, culverts, catch basins, etc.), then paving. 

The drainage problem on Mallego Road has been ignored for many years because it is not easy to solve. Marc Moreau, Road Agent, has been working diligently to address long standing problems.